読み込んだ画像の大きさを変える (縮小する)

ハードディスクに保存したjpgファイルなどをスタックに読み込むには、answer file "Select a folder for the image:"などでitにファイルディレクトリを入れ、次の一行を実行することでできます。

import paint from file it



set the width of img ImageName to 64
set the height of img ImageName to 32
set the lockLocation of img ImageName to true



set the width of img ImageName to 64
set the height of img ImageName to 32
set the lockLocation of img ImageName to true

create image ResizedImage
set the width of img ResizedImage to the width of img ImageName
set the height of img ResizedImage to the height of img ImageName
set the imagedata of img ResizedImage to the imagedata of img ImageName

delete img ImageName

最初の二行で、これを見かけ上、最終的に縮小した時の大きさにします。(この場合、64 X 32ピクセルにしています。)
三行目で、 lockLocationをtrueにします。

四行目で、ResizedImageという新規のイメージを作り、五〜六行目で、その新規イメージの縦横のサイズを縮小したImageNameの縦横とまったく同じにします (重要)。
このようにして出来た ResizedImageImageNameの画像を set the imagedataでコピーすると、アラ不思議、画像のデータサイズが縮小された画像がResizedImageに出来ます。

Hallo Claus,

> Hi,
> I'm looking for an elegant way to resize (shrink) an image.
> Changing the width and the height only affects the display.
> Saving this image to file results in the original image with the
> original size.
> So this won't do.
> Has anyone an elegant way to save a thumnail of an image?

There are probably 2 (or more ;-) ways to do this...

1. Use Trevors excellent QT External to create a preview image of ANY

2. Built-in solution: no external required :-)

Size your original image as you like (lock loc!)
Create a new image and script:

set the width of img "the new one" to the widht of img "the original
set the height of img "the new one" to the heigth of img "the original

set the imagedata of img "the new one" to the imagedata of img "the
original one"

Now you have a new image that you can export as jpg or do whatever you
want with :-)

Hope that helps...

> Regards,
> Claus.
> PS: Let's see who as nothing better to do on a sunday than reading
> this list ;-)

ME! :-)
(But the Revolution knows NO weekend!)

Regards (und liebe Gruse :-)